Saturday, July 9, 2011

Music Academy

Two weeks ago I helped with Dawson's Music Academy camp. The kids did a great job! They had lessons in their particular instrument as well as having the option to try other art forms too. They even did a musical, in a week. I worked with 40 kids, with the help of two wonderful high school girls, for the week. Here is some of what we did.
Instruments of Praise. Ephesians 5:19
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Psalm 130:6

Thursday, June 16, 2011

"He gave them the same names his Father gave them." Genesis 26:18
"All creatures great and small."

"A Friends loves at all times." Proverbs 17:17

Arte Dal Cuore

What's in a name? I think that art truly comes from each of our hearts. So, why Arte Dal Cuore? When I was in college, I studied in Italy. Before I went one of my professors told me, "The light in Italy is different. The difference will change your life." He was right. While I was studying in Italy I realized that what I really love is helping other people create. I love to create myself. But, I think that we all have the ability to create in the image of the creator.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

KidLife Week

This week at Dawson was KidLife week, or otherwise known as VBS for everyone else. The theme this week was "The Armor of God." Ephesians 6:11 reminds us all to wear God's armor to defeat the devil. The 5th and 6th grades kids had the options to come and paint about the Armor of God after they had studied it in Bible study. I created several shields as examples for the preteens to paint.
This sheild of faith was created in honor of my friend Lindsey's daughter, Smith.
This painting depicts all the armor of God.

This painting of a "Shields of Faith" was created in honor of two friends, Bethany and Cullen who are getting married next week. :) They have been an inspiration and example to everyone who knows them through their perseverance after the tornado of April 27th.

This "Shield of Faith" was created in honor of my cousin, Mallory who got married last week.

The kids had a great time picking out Bible verses and colors that represented them and what they hope for in each of their lives. They are amazing budding artists, who did a great job!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Nothing is Impossible with God!

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord." Jeremiah 29:11. It is always amazing to me to see how God uses our talents, hopes and desires for his will. He gives us everything we need because he knows His plans for us.

"The Old Rugged Cross." I created this one for my Grandparents, who are such a wonderful inspiration.

"Nothing is impossible with God." Matthew 19:26 What a necessary reminder!

Faith, Hope and Love



But, the greatest of these is Love.

Still a lot to learn

Clearly, I just posted the same thing twice. I still are trying to get the hang of this. If anyone would like to offer help or advice, I'm all ears.

"Jesus withdrew with his disciples." This painting is about reflection, Jesus' reflection, the disciples' reflection and my own reflection. It seems silly that posting on a blog could cause so much reflection, but I have thought about the different paintings I have created for these classes. It's amazing to think of the different people I have encountered and become very good friends with along the way. It has been a joy!

Kids paintings

"Salvation belongs to the Lord." I did this painting with a bunch of kids a few years ago after they studied the story of Jonah. (I can't seem to get this painting to rotate. Maybe some of you how are more advanced than I am in the blogging world can help.) :)

"Joy." This painting is an example of the fact that our Christian joy is contagious and we can share it with those around us.

"Do not Conform." Romans 12:2 was the theme for KidLife week several years ago. The kids had a great time painting the fish.

Kids paintings

"Salvation belongs to the Lord." I did this painting with a bunch of kids a few years ago after they studied the story of Jonah. (I can't seem to get this painting to rotate. Maybe some of you how are more advanced than I am in the blogging world can help.) :)

"Joy." This painting is an example of the fact that our Christian joy is contagious and we can share it with those around us.

"Do not Conform." Romans 12:2 was the theme for KidLife week several years ago. The kids had a great time painting the fish.

"Be Set Apart." Exodus 19:23- Be set apart as holy. So often in life we, as Christians, appear as other people around us. Yet, we can still be "Set apart as holy."

"And the two became one." That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united with his wife, and the two became one. Genesis 2:24 This was created in honor of my friends Beth and Matt.

"A City on a Hill." 1 Kings 16:24- He built a city on a hill, calling it Samaria.

"A time to Dance." Ecclesiastes 3:4


"Appointed to his Service." This painting is based on Exodus 31:6, I have appointed Oholiab son of Ashisamak to help him.

"God Clothes the flowers of the Field." Matthew 6:28

"Amazing Grace" This painting was created with the idea that God's grace is different for all of us because he meets us where we are.

Something New

I thought I would try something new. So many of you guys out there have blogs. You are my inspiration. So, here goes.

This is the painting that started it all. "A Friend loves at all Times. Proverbs 17:17" I talked with some friends about teaching some painting classes and quickly got off track discussing faith. One of my friends commented about how I could combine both my art and my faith. So, Art from the Heart was born. Each of my paintings in based on a different Bible Verse.

So, let the blogging fun begin.