This week at Dawson was KidLife week, or otherwise known as VBS for everyone else. The theme this week was "The Armor of God." Ephesians 6:11 reminds us all to wear God's armor to defeat the devil. The 5th and 6th grades kids had the options to come and paint about the Armor of God after they had studied it in Bible study. I created several shields as examples for the preteens to paint.
This sheild of faith was created in honor of my friend Lindsey's daughter, Smith.
This painting depicts all the armor of God.
This painting of a "Shields of Faith" was created in honor of two friends, Bethany and Cullen who are getting married next week. :) They have been an inspiration and example to everyone who knows them through their perseverance after the tornado of April 27th.
This "Shield of Faith" was created in honor of my cousin, Mallory who got married last week.
The kids had a great time picking out Bible verses and colors that represented them and what they hope for in each of their lives. They are amazing budding artists, who did a great job!